Monday, January 23, 2012

Little Princes by Conor Grennan

One of our favorite books of 2011 was "Little Princes" by Conor Grennan. He will be speaking to a group at the New Canaan High School called SLOBs (Service League of Boys) this Saturday January 28th at 4:15pm. He'll be signing books after his presentation.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Against the Herd

January 16th

Don't miss Steve Cortes at the New Canaan Library this Wednesday evening at 7:30pm. His book
" Against the Herd, 6 Contrarian Investment Strategies Your Should Follow" will give you lots to think about when planning you financial direction for 2012.
Reservations at 203-594-5000
To order a signed copy call ESB at 203-966-4545

Friday, January 13, 2012

Blog is Back!

A 2012 resolution for the store is to bring back our blog, Facebook & Twitter so you can stay connected to your community bookstore wherever you may be. Like us on Facebook and follow us on twitter for event updates, new clippings and and community updates we have!

Tell us what you like to hear about, want more of and interests you!