Saturday, March 30, 2013

To Marry an English Lord

To Marry an English Lord

Tales of Wealth and Marriage

Sex and Snobbery

Don't miss Carol Wallace at the Stamford Ferguson Library this Wednesday evening, April 3rd @ 6:30pm. Refreshments served, $15.00 entrance fee.

Doors open at 6:00pm

Monday, March 25, 2013

Z, A Novel of Zelda Fitzgerald by Therese Anne Fowler

Zelda's moment is now and then.
"Fowler's Zelda is all we would expect and more, for she's daring and unconventional yet profoundly and paradoxically rooted in Southern gentility... A lovely, sad, and compulsively readable book."
- Kirkus Reviews - Starred review

I am nearly to the end of this wonderful romp of a book and feel myself joining the Fitzgeralds on all their
soirees across Europe and the USA. The colorful cast of characters never disappoints and you feel pulled to reread F.Scott Fitzgerald's classics to encounter the words with new vision.
Join us next Monday April 1st at 7pm at the Wilton Library to hear Therese Fowler speak on her novel and this incredibly interesting couple and times.
Reservations Online